On my way home from work today, rain was rapidly hitting the windshield of my car. My windshield wipers tried to push it all away, but I really need to buy some new ones, so they weren’t doing a very good job.
As I drove down the road, I noticed several pot holes, probably caused by the ice during the snowstorm. I slowed down to carefully drive over them.
I glanced to the right of my car and saw a man in a raincoat walking his dog. The dog looked similar to my dog, Domino, with white fur and large, black spots. The dog was sniffing in the grass as his owner stared at the ground.
I continued down the road and noticed a white plastic bag, probably from a grocery story, floating in the air above my car. It glided through the air and disappeared into the distance.
There were several, enormous pot holes in one spot on the road, so each car ahead of me drifted into the left lane to avoid driving over them.
I reached my apartment complex and drove towards the parking lot. I saw the apartment’s maintenance man slowly walking down the sidewalk holding a plunger, as I parked and got out of my car.
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